Friday, May 23, 2008

Early Morning

What a glorious morning! Yesterday we enjoyed some much-needed rain. It has clouded up again now, but for a brief moment, just after sunrise, my world was flooded with golden light.

This female hairy woodpecker is a regular visitor to my feeder.

And this beautiful blue jay posed for a photo.

My favorite morning meditation spot. White pine shoots with clouds reflected in the pond.

As always, my cats add beauty and companionship to my world. This is my handsome Solomon, very intelligent and with a built in gene for naughtiness!

And Smokey, who is growing more beautiful every day. When he is awake he is running non-stop, so most photographs are of him asleep!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The trees are leafing out beautifully!

Reflections in a spring pool.

A glorious Painted Trillium, the first I have ever seen and right in my front yard!

The Camden Hills in full spring beauty.

Views from Muzzy Ridge Road in Searsmont.

Art in driftwood, Trues Pond.

A calm morning on Trues Pond.

Views from Montville.

My new Maine Coon type kitten, Smokey.

Mother's Day Flowers

Mother's Day was celebrated by photographing flowers. It seemed appropriate. These pansies were a gift from a lovely woman friend.

These next two were taken around the Autozone building in Belfast!
Here wild cherry complements the reflections on Trues Pond.
And these are in my garden.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Floods and more

A week ago we had 4 1/2" of rain in one day. It caused major damage to roads locally and up north in Aroostook county there was widespread flooding and damage. Trues Pond rose dramatically. My kayak had been left upside down and high and dry before the rain. Fortunately it was tied to a tree.

Even with the muddy water, kayaking was rewarding last Wednesday. This piece of driftwood looks like a bird's head to me.

The flowers in my front yard continue to bring great pleasure.

This beautiful red maple was seen at Ruffingham meadow.

The transplanted fiddleheads are coming up. I miss the huge beds I feasted on at my old house.

This is the view from my screen porch in early morning.

And this is just one of the incredible sunrises. Most mornings now I am rushing out to take a photo while barely awake.

It is so pretty here with more and more flowers every day.

A turtle that fled at my approach peeks out of hiding under water to see if I have left yet.

A brave turtle returns while I sit motionless and watch.

Paddling home and enjoying the view of my house hidden in the trees.