Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring is coming

A week ago it would be hard to see that Spring might ever come with 2-3' of snow around the house and a blizzard raging outside! But today it is raining and the snow is finally beginning to melt. Saturday, March 29th was the annual St George River Race, certainly a sign that Spring is supposed to be coming. The race starts in Searsmont and continues to Rte 105 in Appleton. The river was not high this year as most lakes were still frozen and snow melt not well advanced. It was below freezing though and a brief, but impressive, snow squall added to the sense of adventure. A good place to view the race is from the bridge at Robbins Lumber on Ghent Road in Searsmont and at the finish line in Appleton. For more photos go to St George River Race.

The last week has seen progress with ice retreating and beginning to break up on some lakes. Lake St George is beginning to break up in places, but for the most part is still a great frozen expanse.

The blueberry barrens are showing the glorious reds and purples before they break into leaf. The open rocky ground soaks up the sun's warmth and snow melts swiftly here.

These glorious ice formations occur when the river drops overnight and freezing temperature prevail.

Trues Pond opens earlier than the bigger and deeper lakes, giving the wildlife access to much needed open water.

The geese now arriving are really appreciating it as are year round residents such as this curious otter seen April 3rd.

With snow rapidly melting around and the shell-shocked spring bulbs beginning to poke their noses above ground I am really looking forward to the first spring in my new home.

See my Dolphin Jewelry and more at Dolphin Designs

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