Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer flowers

First we had drought and heat and now endless rain! The garden is struggling, but here are some of the beauties that have survived the weather and are currently in bloom.Delphinium

Blanket Flower - Gaillardia

Oriental Lily - Stargazer. Their scent fills the air!


Lobelia cardinalis - Cardinal flower, native to Maine

Tiger Lily

Passion Flower - Passiflora

Purple Cone Flower - Echinacea purpurea


In the last couple of days I have seen some leaves beginning to change and heard the geese beginning to fly south. Looks like another harsh winter is on its way.


Anonymous said...

pretty flowers.

Puyallup florist

Unknown said...

My daughter is planning a wedding next September in York Maine. Can you tell me what flowers bloom in September by the coast??

Unknown said...

My daughter is planning a wedding next September in York Maine. Can you tell me what flowers bloom in September by the coast??

Shelagh said...

hi Joan,

The most dramatic wild flowers at that time are the asters. Most of the other perennial garden flowers are gone by. Mums and asters are available at garden centers at this time.