Thursday, April 22, 2010


Glorious spring days, although sadly so glorious that the dreaded BLACKFLY are now out! The purple trillium are in bloom.

Still and sunny morning, storms forecast for this afternoon. So pretty this morning and I saw a robin in the front yard this morning, a rare site around the house. There was a pretty purple finch on the bird feeder yesterday at the height of a violent thunderstorm that produced something frozen and white falling from the sky. It was 60 degrees out, not hard enough to be hail, much more slushy, very strange.

I had purchased red pepper suet for the bird feeder as it is supposed to repel squirrels. They (the squirrels) love it and have almost finished it in a few days! There have been grey and red squirrels on the feeder this morning, to the frustration of the cats.

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